Balance isn’t just about standing on one leg. Often when we do chair pose, we’re so focused on how hard the big muscles in our legs (thighs and calves) are working, that we forget how much work our feet do to keep us from tipping over. Try some of these variations and pay attention to where you place pressure in your feet.

chair pose balance
First, get the pose right. Start with feet parallel and hip-width apart. Bend your knees and sit your hips back to an imaginary chair. Keep a slight natural arch in your lower back – don’t round your back. Hands can be on hips or reach up with arms along side your ears.

Now have some fun and be sure to take off those shoes:

  1. Try the pose standing on a pillow or folded blanket or towel.
  2. Then try closing your eyes. You may want to be near a wall to put your hand on to balance.
  3. Now get outside. Try the pose barefoot on soft grass or uneven ground. Again, try closing your eyes.
  4. Now try lifting one foot and if all that isn’t challenging enough, close your eyes.

Variations in chair pose to challenge balance
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