- Start from standing with your feet hip-width apart. Step your left foot back to a lunge keeping the front knee over the top or behind the ankle.
- Bring your back knee down to the ground. Keep the back toes tucked under to maintain balance and control over your back leg and position of your hips.
- Reach both arms up to the sky with the palms facing inward. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
- To find a deeper stretch, you can start to ease your hips and groin a little bit forward. Make sure the front knee stays over the top or behind the ankle.
- If you don’t find a stretch in your back left thigh, think about squeezing your buttocks to tip your tailbone slightly forward. Also think about pulling your back left hip forward, pulling your front right hip back. You’ll find more stretch by using your muscles in this way, then trying push your hips to the floor.
- For another variation, bring your right hand to your right hip. Then tip your left hand slightly to the right side.
- Remember to switch sides.
Have a favourite variation? Tell me which one and I’ll feature it as a pose with specific alignment cues to get the best stretch.
Finding a thigh or quadriceps stretch in lunges