One of my favourite variations for the lunge is adding a twist. It can be a gentle option to move your upper spine.
Start from standing with your feet hip-width apart.
- Step your left foot back to the lung keeping the right knee over the top of the right ankle or behind it.
- Keep the back leg strong, lift your back thigh up. If you need a gentle option, bring your back knee down to the ground first.
- Bring your left palm or finger tips to the ground. Bring your right hand on top of your right knee. First press in with your hand and lift your right shoulder looking to the right.
- If you feel stable, reach the right hand up to the sky with the palm facing away from you.
- Keep both hips level. Don’t let the left hip twist and drop towards the ground. The twist is in your back, not your hips.
- Remember to switch to the other side.
Have a favourite lunge variation? Tell me which one and I’ll feature it as a pose with specific alignment cues to get the best stretch.
Lunge with a gentle twist