Every yoga class I’ve taught has had a few, if not several lunges in them. The lunge is a simple and easy way to stretch several muscles in your legs including the thigh and groin muscles including the psoas. There are many variations to explore.
Here are the key steps to the basic lunge:
  1. Start from standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. You can either fold forward first, or bend your knees and squat down – then step your left foot back.
  3. Make sure your front knee is over the top or behind your ankle. Not in front of your foot.
  4. Your front foot should be flat. Press your front foot firmly in to the ground.
  5. Press in to your back toes and lift your back thigh up. The back leg is reasonably straight but not locked.
  6. Don’t let your hips sag down.
  7. Remember to switch to the other side.

Basic lunge 101
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