I’ve featured this pose before but thought I would show this one with the optional twist.

wide leg forward bend with a twist

Prasarita paddotanasana (wide legged forward bend). Good for hips, hamstring and groin stretch and when you add in the twist – great for spine and shoulders.

  1. Step your feet apart about the distance of one leg length (about a metre or a little more if you are taller).
  2. Feet are parallel with toes pointing straight ahead. Press your feet evenly into the ground.
  3. Nearly straighten your legs, but be careful not to hyper-extend your knees. Try squeezing your thighs.
  4. Hands to your hips. Lift up tall through your spine. Fold halfway forward so that your chest is level with your hips. Do not round the lower back. Reach your fingertips or hands to the floor. If this is difficult or you feel any strain in your back, place your hands on a table or chair.
  5. Bring your left hand on the ground directly under your forehead. Bring your right hand to your hip.
  6. Lift your right shoulder up. Then if it’s ok on the shoulder, lift the right arm. If it’s ok for the neck, you can look up.
  7. Bring the hand down and switch to the other side.
  8. To come out of the pose, bring your chest up to the level of your hips, then bring your hands to your hips and raise your chest upright.

Wide leg forward bend with a twist
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