Warrior 2, or virabhadrasana 2, is one of the most common poses and you’ll find it in just about every class more than once. It’s excellent for both strengthening and stretching the legs, as well the upper body and arms. To build a little strength, try holding the pose for 1 minute.

warrior II megan and mike
You can start from a lunge with your left leg forward. Turn your back right heel in and down to the floor so that your foot is at about a 45 degree angle. Make sure the front foot is in line with the arch of heel of the back foot, as long as this does not strain the hips or knee.

  1. Lift your chest and hands up, reaching your left arm forward and right arm back.
  2. Your front knee is bent and the knee should be either directly over your ankle or behind the ankle (never forward of the ankle). Make sure the knee is also tracking straight ahead – so it should line up with your 2nd or 3rd big toe.
  3. The back leg is straight, but do not lock the knee. Press firmly into the back foot.
  4. Lift up through the spine, keeping your chest upright.

Warrior II 101
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