Spinal twists can help relieve back pain and sometimes help even out muscle tension in the back – here are a couple of variations that might be familiar.

gentle seated twist

  1. Sit down on the floor with both legs extended in front of you. If your hamstrings (the back of your thighs) are tight or it’s painful for your lower back to sit in this position, sit your hips on the edge of a folded blanket.
  2. Bend your left knee, bringing your left foot to the floor over the top of the right leg. If your hips do not stay on the floor, bring the foot inside the right knee or thigh instead with a few centimetres between your left foot and right leg.deeper seated twist
  3. Flex the toes of your right foot.
  4. Bring your left fingertips to the floor behind your hips and press in to the floor to sit up tall through the spine.
  5. Lift your right hand up to the ceiling, draw your left shoulder back, turning your torso to the left and then bring your right arm down to hug your left knee.
  6. To deepen the twist, you may bring your right elbow outside your left knee. When you press in to the knee, focus on lengthening up through the spine, more than twisting. Avoid wrenching the body too deeply in the twist.
  7. Try to relax your shoulders down.
  8. Take a few breaths here, then inhale to lengthen through the spine and exhale as you unwind.
  9. Then change to the other side.

Seated spinal twists
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