Last week, I talked about viparita karani or legs up the wall as a great recovery pose.

legs resting on a chair

There are a lot of variations you can do while resting in this pose that offer a stretch. This particular variation offers an excellent stretch for your hips.
  1. Start lying on your back with your calves resting on the seat of a chair.
  2. Bring your right ankle to rest just in front of your left knee. Be careful not to let the ankle sickle or twist.restorative hip stretch
  3. This may be enough stretch, but you can intensify the stretch by lightly pressing the right knee away from you. Keep your hips square and try to keep your hips resting on the floor. A slight curve in your lower back is normal.
  4. If you would like to deepen the stretch even further, slide your left foot and knee towards you, which will bring the lower right leg towards you.
  5. Come out of the pose if you feel any pain in the knee or hip.

Stretching the hips while resting
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