Trikonasana – or triangle pose – offers a good way to stretch legs, hips, chest and shoulders.

triangle pose

It helps to warm-up with a few lunges and down dog before trying trikonasana.

How to get in to the pose and a few alignment tips:

  • Stand at the front of your yoga mat with your feet about hip width apart, toes straight ahead.
  • Step your left leg back a distance that is about equal to the length of your leg.
  • Both legs are straight, but be careful not to lock or hyper-extend your knees.
  • Keep your front right toes straight ahead.
  • Turn your back left toes out about 45 degrees.
  • Move the back left foot further to the left side of the mat.
  • Your legs should look like the picture now with your torso facing sideways – let your hips find a comfortable position – don’t force them sideways.
  • Reach your arms out in front and behind you. Reach forward with your right hand as far as you can, hinge at the hips and bring your right hand down to your shin.
  • Your left hand can rest on your hip if it bothers your shoulder, or you can reach it up.
  • Look down – be sure your head is in a position that does not strain your neck.
  • Then let your back left hip roll in slightly – this should make more space for your lower back.
  • Finally, feel as if someone is pulling your head away from your hips, lengthening your spine, making space between each vertebrae.
  • Take a few breaths.
  • To come out, lightly bend the front knee and lift your chest and arms.
  • Now switch to the other side!
Want the really detailed version, try this description from Yoga Synergy in Australia.

Triangle pose 101
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